ZeroG Party Platform

Today marks a pivotal moment in our journey as a nation and as part of the global community. We stand at a crossroads, where the path of traditional politics has led us to a precipice overlooking a future uncertain and fraught with challenges. It is here, in this moment of reflection, that we introduce the ZeroG Party platform – a manifesto for change, a blueprint for a brighter tomorrow.

For too long, we have witnessed the cyclical nature of political promises and half-measures, where change is often spoken of but seldom enacted. Our country, lauded as a beacon of democracy and opportunity, has found itself mired in practices and policies that serve the few at the expense of the many. It’s time to redefine what we expect from our leaders and the political system.

Call it what you want, The ZeroG Party, or the Free Citizen Party, is not a political entity. It is a movement, a call to action for those who believe that our country can and must do better. Our platform is built on principles that prioritize humanity, sustainability, and genuine progress over short-term gains and entrenched interests.

We envision a nation and a world where:

  • Foreign affairs are handled with wisdom, prioritizing peace and global cooperation over conflict and exploitation.
  • The economy is restructured to serve the needs of all, not just the elite.
  • Education is a right, freely accessible, fostering creativity and critical thinking.
  • Healthcare is universal, focusing on holistic well-being and the eradication of diseases, not just their management.
  • Federal spending and taxation are transparent and focused on the betterment of society.
  • Legal and societal systems are reformed to reflect fairness, compassion, and progress.

This is not a mere wish list; it is a feasible, actionable plan that requires courage, commitment, and collective effort. Whether as a new party rising from the needs of the present or as a transformative force within existing structures, the essence of the ZeroG Party is clear – change is not just needed; it is imperative.

We call upon all who share this vision to join us. To those who seek office, we set a new standard: the old ways will no longer suffice. To our fellow citizens, we say: the power to reshape our future is in your hands. The time for complacency has passed; the era of informed, bold action is upon us.

Together, we can build not just a better country, but a world that reflects our highest aspirations. Join us in this journey towards a future where every person can thrive, where our planet is cherished, and where our actions today create a legacy of hope and prosperity for generations to come.

In solidarity,


Vision for a New Dawn

Foreign Affairs

Ending Military Aid and Proxy Wars:

In a world that cries out for peace, we take a firm stance against the perpetuation of violence and conflict. We propose:

  • Immediate Cessation of Military Aid: Our commitment is to cease all foreign military aid that contributes to global conflicts. The cycle of violence must end, starting with our withdrawal from engagements that do not serve peace.
  • Reevaluating Global Military Presence: We will critically assess our global military footprint, focusing on reducing our involvement in international conflicts and proxy wars. Our goal is to transition from a military-centric approach to one of diplomatic and humanitarian leadership.

Commitment to Preservation Over Destruction:

As stewards of our planet, we recognize the urgent need to shift from a consumer-driven economy to one that values sustainability and preservation.

  • Sustainable Practices in Foreign Policy: Our foreign policy will encourage and support international efforts towards environmental conservation, renewable energy adoption, and sustainable development.
  • Global Environmental Initiatives: We will lead and participate in global initiatives to address pollution, protect biodiversity, and promote sustainable use of natural resources.

Fostering Global Reconciliation and Understanding:

In a divided world, the path to peace lies in understanding and cooperation.

  • Open Diplomatic Channels: We commit to re-establishing and maintaining open lines of communication with all nations, especially those with whom relations have been strained.
  • Cultural and Educational Exchanges: We will promote and expand cultural and educational exchange programs to foster mutual understanding, respect, and friendship among nations.
  • Collaborative Problem-Solving: Our approach to international conflicts and challenges will be rooted in collaboration and collective problem-solving, prioritizing dialogue, and understanding over unilateral actions.

Building a World of Peace and Prosperity:

Our vision extends beyond the cessation of conflict; it envisions a world where nations work together for the collective good.

  • Global Partnerships for Development: We will actively engage in and support international partnerships aimed at poverty reduction, healthcare improvement, and educational access for all.
  • Human Rights Advocacy: Our foreign policy will be firmly anchored in the promotion and protection of human rights, supporting global efforts to end oppression and inequality.

Federal Spending and Taxes

Responsible Use of Taxes and Tax Code Reform:

Our approach to federal spending and taxation is founded on principles of fairness, transparency, and effectiveness in serving the public interest. To achieve this, a comprehensive reform of the current tax code is essential. This reform will aim to:

  1. Simplify the Tax Code: The tax code should be simplified to eliminate loopholes and complexities that favor the wealthy and corporations. It will ensure a fairer tax burden distribution and make compliance easier for individuals and small businesses.

  2. Transparency in Taxation: Taxpayers deserve to know exactly how their contributions are being utilized. We propose annual public reports showing federal spending breakdowns, ensuring accountability and informed public discourse.

  3. There is More: A lot of things can be done here. The first two are a great start.

Reduction and Restructuring of Federal Agencies:

In line with our commitment to societal advancement and global betterment, we propose the following measures:

  1. Audit and Evaluation: Conduct a thorough audit of all federal agencies to evaluate their effectiveness in contributing to societal advancement and global betterment. This audit will assess the impact, efficiency, and necessity of each agency.

  2. Elimination of Redundant Agencies: Agencies that are found to be redundant, ineffective, or counterproductive to our goals of societal advancement will be either eliminated or merged with other more effective agencies to optimize federal operations.

  3. Restructuring for Efficiency: Federal agencies must be restructured to eliminate bureaucracy and enhance efficiency. This includes adopting modern management practices, leveraging technology, and ensuring that agencies are agile and responsive to the needs of the public.

  4. Prioritization of Essential Services: Agencies directly contributing to critical areas such as healthcare, education, environmental protection, and infrastructure will receive prioritization in funding and support after the audit and restructuring.

  5. Focusing on Earthly Matters: While we acknowledge the importance of extraterrestrial exploration, our primary focus must be on addressing the urgent needs on Earth. Accordingly, resources allocated to extraterrestrial ambitions will be carefully evaluated and redirected towards pressing earthly concerns until our fundamental issues are adequately addressed.


Reforming Capitalism:

The current economic system, with its complex and often opaque structures, has perpetuated an illusion of value and money that requires critical reassessment and reform. Our proposals include:

  1. Regulated Stock Markets: We advocate for the transformation of stock markets into arenas for long-term investment rather than short-term speculation. Investments should reflect a commitment to sustainable growth, with dividends shared equitably, including contributions to employees who are integral to a company’s success.

  2. Debt Restructuring: The burden of debt should be humanely managed. We propose capping debt and limiting its duration, ensuring fair interest rates and the abolition of credit scores, which unfairly penalize citizens for past financial hardships.

  3. Equitable Salaries: The egregious pay gaps within corporations must be addressed. Salaries should be structured to ensure fairness and equity, with a maximum permissible ratio between the highest and lowest earners. Bonus structures should reward all employees, recognizing their collective contributions to the company’s success.

Envisioning a Moneyless Society:

As we implement these reforms, we also look towards a future where the necessity of money is fundamentally questioned. We envision a society where the exchange of goods and services is not mediated by currency, but by mutual respect, need, and a shared commitment to the well-being of all community members.

  1. Transitioning Away from Currency: The ultimate goal is a gradual transition towards a society where money is obsolete. This requires building strong community networks, fostering a culture of sharing and cooperation, and developing systems of exchange based on mutual aid rather than monetary transaction.

  2. Value in Contribution and Creativity: In a moneyless society, value is placed on individual and collective contributions to the community, creativity, and the betterment of all. This encourages a culture where success is not measured by material wealth but by the positive impact one has on society and the environment.

  3. Technological and Social Innovations: Advances in technology and social organization will be critical in this transition. We need to explore and implement innovative solutions like resource-based economies, decentralized resource management, and community-driven initiatives that reduce the need for traditional monetary systems.

  4. Education and Cultural Shift: A significant cultural and educational shift is necessary to prepare for a moneyless society. This includes redefining our understanding of value, success, and community engagement, and nurturing a mindset that prioritizes cooperation, sustainability, and the common good over individual accumulation of wealth.


Free and Innovative Education:

In our vision for the future, education is not only a fundamental right but also a nurturing ground for the mind’s growth. We advocate for:

  • Accessibility: Education at all levels must be free of charge, removing financial barriers that hinder the potential of our youth.
  • Focus on Individual Growth: The one-size-fits-all model is obsolete. Education systems must be flexible, adapting to individual learning styles and interests, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
  • Outcome-Based Evaluation: Moving away from traditional grading systems, we propose an evaluation based on understanding, application, and innovation. The success of education should be measured by the ability to think independently and apply knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Truthful and Comprehensive History:

History should not be a tool of propaganda but a lens for understanding and learning.

  • Multi-Perspective Curriculum: We call for the inclusion of diverse historical perspectives, ensuring that students receive a balanced view of the past, recognizing the achievements and mistakes of our forebears.
  • Cross-Verification and Transparency: Historical narratives must be subject to rigorous cross-verification, with a clear indication of unverified information. This approach fosters critical thinking and a deeper understanding of historical complexities.

Health Care

Universal Health Care:

  • Accessible to All: Health care is a human right and should be universally accessible, free of charge. This includes preventive care, treatment of illnesses, mental health services, and emergency care.
  • Efficient and High-Quality System: We envision a health care system that is efficient, patient-centered, and driven by the needs of the community rather than profit.

Sustainable and Safe Food and Water Supply:

  • Elimination of Toxins: Immediate steps must be taken to eliminate harmful substances from our water and food. This includes banning harmful pesticides and ensuring strict regulations on industrial waste disposal.
  • Promotion of Natural Food: Support for organic and sustainable farming practices, ensuring that the population has access to healthy, unmodified food.

Revolutionizing Pharmaceutical Practices:

  • Prioritizing Cures: The focus of pharmaceutical research and practice must shift from treating symptoms to finding and promoting cures. This approach is not only humane but also cost-effective in the long term.
  • Banning Harmful Substances: Opioids and other dangerous substances should be strictly regulated, with an emphasis on safe, natural alternatives for pain relief and medical treatment.
  • Revising Drug Classifications: A comprehensive review of controlled substance classifications is necessary, ensuring that they are based on scientific evidence and public health considerations.


Prison Reform and Rehabilitation:

Our prison system is fundamentally flawed, often focusing more on punishment than rehabilitation. We advocate for a complete overhaul of the prison system to prioritize humane treatment and effective rehabilitation. Prisons must be transformed into centers of learning and personal development, where inmates are given the tools and support to reintegrate into society as productive, reformed individuals.

Electoral Reform:

The Electoral College is an outdated system that undermines the principle of one person, one vote, which is the cornerstone of democracy. We call for its abolition in favor of a direct popular vote system that truly reflects the will of the people.

Legal System Reform:

Our legal system has become a tool for exploitation, often allowing individuals to use litigation as a means of personal gain at the expense of others. We propose reforms to discourage frivolous lawsuits and ensure that the legal system is used for justice, not manipulation or revenge.

Public Legislation Review:

In the age of technology, there is an unprecedented opportunity for public participation in the legislative process. We propose that all laws and amendments be subject to public review and voting, empowering citizens to have a direct say in the laws that govern their lives.

Transparency in Governance:

The lack of transparency in government breeds mistrust and conspiracy theories. We demand complete openness in governmental actions and decisions, with mechanisms in place for public oversight and accountability. This includes the declassification of documents in a timely manner and ensuring public access to information that impacts the collective well-being.

Rethinking Retirement:

The concept of retirement needs to be reimagined. We envision a society where individuals are not bound to a life of labor that ends only when their health begins to fail. We propose a model where the societal contribution period is balanced, followed by years of mentorship and community service, allowing individuals to enjoy life in good health and to continue contributing their wisdom and experience to society.

Elimination of Mandatory Insurance:

Insurance, in its current form, often serves as another layer of financial burden on individuals. We advocate for the elimination of mandatory insurance, shifting towards a system where community and government support networks provide the safety net in times of need. This would be facilitated by responsible use of tax money, ensuring that individuals can recover from adversity without the additional stress of insurance premiums and uncovered medical expenses.

I am sure there are more we could do and further discuss around each of these, but it is a start.