A Call to Action for the 2024 Elections:

Nominate and Support Leaders for a Better Tomorrow

Fellow Citizens,

As we approach the 2024 elections, it is crucial that we, the people, take an active role in shaping the future of our local communities, states, and nation. This is a call to action for all who envision a government that truly represents our values and aspirations. We urge you to nominate and support candidates for open positions in local, state, and federal government.

Why Your Participation Matters:

The leaders we elect have the power to make decisions that affect every aspect of our lives. By nominating and supporting candidates who share our vision of a just, equitable, and prosperous society, we can effect real change.

Who Should Be Nominated:

We seek candidates who are:

  • Committed to serving the public interest, not special interests.
  • Advocates for social justice, environmental sustainability, and economic equity.
  • Dedicated to transparency, accountability, and ethical governance.
  • Representatives of diverse backgrounds and experiences, bringing fresh perspectives to our political landscape.

Positions to Be Filled:

  • Local Government: City Council Members, Mayors, School Board Members, etc.
  • State Government: State Representatives, State Senators, Governors, etc.
  • Federal Government: Members of Congress (both House and Senate), President, etc.

*Check your area and state for upcoming elections

How You Can Help:

  1. Identify Potential Candidates: Do not settle for current incumbents or current members of the Democratic or Republican Parties. Look within your community for individuals who embody the qualities we seek in leaders. Encourage them to run for office. 

  2. Spread the Word: Use social media, community forums, and local events to promote the call for nominations. The more people involved, the stronger our movement.

  3. Support Candidacy Submissions: Assist potential candidates in understanding the requirements and process for filing their candidacy. This may include helping with paperwork, fundraising, and navigating legal requirements.

  4. Volunteer and Campaign: Once candidates have been nominated, they will need a strong support system. Volunteer for campaigns, help with outreach, and advocate for your candidates.

  5. Educate and Mobilize Voters: Inform your community about the importance of the upcoming elections and the candidates who align with our vision. Encourage voter registration and participation.


The 2024 elections present a significant opportunity for us to steer our communities, states, and nation towards a brighter future. Your involvement in nominating and supporting candidates can make a profound difference. Let’s work together to ensure that our voices are heard and our values are reflected in our government.

Together, we can build a future we are proud to leave for the next generations.

Join us in this vital effort. Nominate, support, and vote for change.